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The next installment of Windows from Windows 3.11. Windows 95 added major enhancements when compared to Windows 3.11.

Below are some of the new features that Windows 95 has that Windows 3.x does not.

Plug and Play Allows hardware devices to be automatically installed into the computer with the proper software. Does not require jumpers to be played with.
32 Bit 32-Bit operating system allowing the computer to run faster and more efficiently.
Registry Combines the power of multiple configuration files into two files, allowing the system configurations to be located easier.
Memory Windows 95 has an improved memory handling processes compared to Windows 3.11.
Right mouse click Allows you new access and text manipulation by utilizing both buttons instead of one.
CD-Player Enhanced CD-Player with improved usability and AutoPlay feature.


Released 08/1995
Computer:100% IBM Compatible
Processor:386 DX or higher
Memory:Read Acess Memory
Drives:35MB Hard disk drive space
CD or Floppy
Sound:Sound Blaster compatible Sound Card.
Video:VGA or higher-resolution
Controls:100% compatible Microsoft keyboard / Mouse
operating system:DOS 5.0 and Higher
Price:$70.00 - $90.00



Fun stuff

How to hide the start button The best, most wanted secret out there; well you have finally found it, here are the steps.
1. Ctrl + Esc and then Esc alone
2. Alt + -
3. Move the up arrow to close (don't do Alt + F4)
4. Alt + Ctrl + Del
5. End task Explorer
6. Now should bring up shutdown Windows, hit your esc key, Wait................
7. When saying not responding, say "CANCEL"
Presto (If by some chance you are not able to get it back, then reboot the computer and it will come back.)

How to change the Startup and shutdown screen in Windows95
WARNING: Before you attempt doing this, you need to make sure that the file you are modifying is backed up on a disk or another directory on your hard drive.

Now that you have backed up, you can make your own pictures where ever you want, just remember that the size of the picture has to stay the same. Below is the list of the different pictures you can change and the size of those pictures.
logo.sys = "Startup" 320 x 400
logow.sys = "Please Wait while Windows95 is shutting down" 320 x 400
logos.sys = "It is now safe to shut off your computer" 320 x 400

An easy way of opening these files is to go into your paint program by clicking on start/programs/accessories/paint, then going to file and opening c:\windows\logow.sys, c:\windows\logos.sys or c:\logo.sys.

You can run any of the Control Panel icons without going into the Control Panel by clicking on start / run and typing "rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL modem.cpl" (without quotes). This example would run the modem icon in the Control Panel, you can replace modem with any valid cpl file.

Revised winter 2002/2003






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